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Logistic Glossary – Letter Z

Zone of Rate Flexibility

Railroads may raise rates by a percentage increase in the railroad cost index that the ICC determines; the railroads could raise rates by 6 percent per year through 1984 and 4 percent thereafter.

Zone of Rate Freedom

Motor carriers may raise or lower rates by 10 percent in one year without ICC interference; if the rate change is within the zone of freedom, the rate is presumed to be reasonable.

Zone of Reasonableness

A zone or limit within which air carriers may change rates without regulatory scrutiny; if the rate change is within the zone, the new rate is presumed to be reasonable.

Zone Picking

A method of subdividing a picking list by arrears within a storeroom for more efficient and rapid order picking. A zone-picked order must be grouped to a single location and the separate pieces combined before delivery, or must be delivered to different locations such as a work center.

Zone Price

The constant price of a product at all geographic locations within a zone.

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